Victorian Background

Sunday, December 28, 2008


"Talk talk talk talk, yak yak yak yak, blah blah blah . . . Mom . . . I didn't sleep good at all last night; I barely have the energy to talk . . . blah blah blah, talk talk talk, yakity yakity yak . . ."

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Wrapping

This is sibling love in its earliest stages: Adrie came up to me this morning with a roll of toilet paper in her hand. She asked me, "Mom, can I wrap Andrew's Christmas present with this?"

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Imaginary Friends

The Wellersons strike again! Adrie and I are eating lunch at our kitchen counter:

Adrie: "Mom . . . I don't like the Wellersons."
Me: "Why is that?"
Adrie: "Because they give out chocolate-poop-treats, and I don't like them."

I guess I would feel the same way about any friends, imaginary or not, who tried to trick me with a treat like that. I laughed - I couldn't keep a straight face.

Monday, December 22, 2008

We Love Skype!

Adrie and Andy love to talk to our family & friends on Skype. They can talk to (and see) Aunty Em (Anna) in Portland, and other family members here in Bremerton. It always makes us laugh when we're talking to Grandpa Bob, Adrie will tell him to "Pass Granny over" when she wants to talk to Granny.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let it snow

Adrie this morning, looking out our front door: "Mommy! The snowflakes are landing everywhere!"

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Adrie's Current Word

Adrie: "Mama . . . I'm so DAZED . . .

Archie Beware

I heard Adrie talking to Marshall at the breakfast table this morning.
Adrie: "Dad . . . I think we should give Archie a bath." (our cat)
Marshall: "Why do you think so?"
A: "Well, because Aunty Kimbo gives Sakila a bath." (her dog)
M: "Have you seen how Archie licks his fur? That's how cats clean themselves, so they don't need a bath."
A:" . . . Dad? I think we should give Archie a bath."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Adrie's Christmas Program

Last night we attended Adrie's first Christmas Program. We were betting on whether she might just stand there and do nothing (like her Mom at 3 years old) or do something silly (like her Papa at 3). She did great! She sang as many words as she could remember, and she did her hand-motions when she wasn't distracted by the large audience that was in attendance.

We were a little surprised at how small she looked standing with her classmates. When Andrew saw her among the other kids on stage, he started squealing and flapping his arms to get her attention. He loved seeing his big sister in action!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Fashionista

Right after I took this picture, Adrie said to me, "Mommy, I really like what I'm wearing today."

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy 10 months Andrew!

From standing on his own about one week ago, Andrew is already taking small, wobbly steps on his own. Look out world!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Lingo

Adrie on the phone with Grandma Cindy, "I probably won't eat dinner with John, just he might just go kaputs on me." (did I spell that right?)