Victorian Background

Monday, March 30, 2009

Adrie's Picture

Doesn't he have a sneaky look on his face? And I'm guessing he must have incredible hearing.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Hair

Adrie's been bugging me to have a pink stripe in her hair. So here's what a little food coloring and vinegar can do.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Adrie's Chapstick

I found Adrie in the bathroom this afternoon. She said, "Mom, I put on some of Andrew's chapstick." Knowing that Andrew doesn't own any chapstick, I said, "Oh really? Show me what you put on." So she went to the cupboard and what she pulled out was Andrew's tube of Butt Paste diaper ointment. Yuck!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Not an uncommon place to find Andrew . . .

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Adrie . . .

A: "Mom, I love you more than ice cream . . . "

Me: "Thanks, how nice."

A: " . . . except chocolate."

Reading a Book

Friday, March 13, 2009

Isaiah 45:18

For the Lord is God,

and he created the heavens and earth

and put everything in place.

He made the world to be lived in,

not to be a place of empty chaos.

“I am the Lord,” he says,

“and there is no other."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Last night's "sleep"

10:00 PM: Alicia asleep
12:30 AM: Marshall tossing and turning. "My throat hurts, and I feel feverish." I felt his forehead, and he was cool as a cucumber. I went back to sleep.
2:00 AM: Adrie at my bedside sniffing in my ear. "My nose hurts" . . . sniff sniff. So I got up and gave her some nose spray, a drink of water, "I'm hungry," and a couple crackers. And started her vaporizer.
3:45 AM: Andrew wakes up fussing. Fell asleep feeding him. Woke up at 4:15 AM, and put Andrew back in his bed.
5:45 AM: Marshall's alarm goes off.

So much for sleeping. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

I don't know where this came from . . .

Every now and then I'll watch Regis & Kelly in the mornings. (rarely) But every time I do, Adrie always says to me while pointing at Regis, "Mom, that man has a cracker-face."


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I had to laugh at Adrie's tutu stuck in the back of her multi-layered skirt/shorts combo, along with her unmatched socks and leg-warmers. You can't tell from the back, but she had a green shirt layered underneath her blue one. She has a style of her own these days!

We thought Andrew was being a little too quiet . . .