Victorian Background

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Toilet Paper . . . Again

I just found Adrie and Andy in the bathroom. Adrie was going potty, Andy was standing next to her unrolling the entire (full) roll of toilet paper.

Me: "Adrie! Why did you let him do that? Why didn't stop him?"

Adrie: " . . . I don't know . . . "

So then I made the mistake of walking away. Next I hear,

Adrie: "Mom . . . the toilet is having trouble flushing . . . that toilet paper doesn't go down very well."

She had taken the entire roll that was on the floor, stuffed it into the toilet, and flushed! We're lucky we didn't have major over-flow.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tonight's Prayers

Adrie at bedtime: "Mama, can I pray for Santa tonight?"

Me: " uh . . . sure."

Adrie: "Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like a candy maker, and a My Little Pony with a switch on the bottom that makes it walk and talk. And a new Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Little Mermaid dress. Thank you."

I thought she was going to pray "for" Santa, not "to" him. I guess we have to start somewhere.