Victorian Background

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Soccer Ball

Adrie: "Mom, have you seen my soccer ball?"
Me: "No, I'm not sure where it is."
. . . pause . . . pause . . .
Adrie: "I think its out in the driveway . . . Papa's truck stepped on it."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mickey Mouse Hotcakes

Adrie: "Mom, we should have pancakes this morning. How do you make your pancakes?"
Me: "I make mine in round circles."
Adrie: "Grandpa Bob makes his like Mickey Mouse, with 'chicolate chop' eyes."

A Real Compliment

Adrie: "Mommy . . . I just love you . . . (adds a sigh for emphasis) . . . you're so warm and fluffy."

Funny, these are the same thoughts I had of my own Mom when I was young. :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

We've been watching Inauguration Day stuff all day long. After seeing a news excerpt tonight,

Adrie asked me, "Mom, is Obama coming over tonight?"
I said, "Not that I know of."
She said, "But now that he's our President, he might want to come over and tell us something."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

This is a picture of my Dad as a toddler - I think Andrew looks so much like him!

Gamblin' Girl

Adrie watching a TV commercial this morning:

"Mom, I want to go to the casino."
Me: "Really? Why is that?" (trying to think of the appropriate response)
Adrie: "Well . . . I want to go to the casino."
Me: "You know, the casino isn't a place for kids to go, just grown-ups."
. . . pause . . .
. . . pause . . .
Adrie: (with tears literally welling up in her eyes) "But Mom . . . where will I go?"
Me: "What do you mean? You don't have to go anywhere."
Adrie: "But where will go? . . . if I can't go to the casino?" (still threatening tears)
Me: "Mommy & Papa don't really go to the casino, so I don't think we have to worry about it too much."
Adrie: " . . . but . . . if kids can't go to the casino, where do I go? . . . "