Victorian Background

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Adrie Today

Adrie was WIDE awake this morning at 5:30 . . . who knows why. I could hear her talking, singing, and occasionally shouting, while she was waiting for someone to come and get her out of her crib. When I finally went into her room about 7:30, (because I couldn't sleep through her calling my name anymore) she informed me right away, "I ate all my tic-tacs!" (about 4 times in succession)

Sure enough, she had managed to somehow get the "Mega" box of tic-tacs, which I had put in her Christmas stocking, off of her dresser and into her bed. When Marshall asked her how she got them, she replied, "I just put my foot up here, and my tummy up here, and got them." She was referring to the top edges of her crib sides.

I guess the crib will have to go . . . we're lucky she didn't fall out onto her head.

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